The good news about Jesus’ resurrection is too good for just one Sunday! It’s worth telling again, and again, and again. And so our Easter celebrations continue, not just for one day, but for fifty days—not just for one Sunday, but seven Sundays, leading up to the Day of Pentecost. And yes, I do intend to say “Happy Easter” until that time! (Not a surprise to anyone who is following along on the blog.)
Throughout the Easter season, then, we celebrate the presence of our risen Lord Jesus Christ. The focus and direction will be a little different each week, but always the good news will be the same: Alleluia! Christ is risen!
We started the season with our Easter Day gospel from Mark, which ended before Jesus had even made a personal appearance! Yet we still heard the good news: “He has been raised”. We continue by hearing about Jesus’ appearances to his disciples—including my favorite story about Thomas, who ends up believing after all. We hear how Jesus is present in meals shared with his followers, and we experience his presence ourselves as we share Holy Communion. We even hear about his mysterious ascension into heaven, because of which we know that he can be with us always. And finally, the season ends with the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, affirming God’s presence with us, particularly in the community he gathers.
So, in this Easter season, may God’s love and peace continue to be with you, as we continue to proclaim:
Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!
~Pastor Sarah