One of the things that I love about Martin Luther is that he wasn't a perfect guy, and we don't (usually) pretend otherwise. He could be...let's face it...a jerk (understatement of the year). He had a nasty temper and said some things in his later life that have caused his followers some serious embarrassment (as they should). He enjoyed his beer, married a nun, and wrote entirely too much about his stomach problems (really, any would be too much).
That we would actually name our church after this dubious character (though he himself did not want us to do so) says a lot about us, I think. It says something rather hopeful about how Lutherans view sin...and how, despite our best efforts to the contrary, God saves us from our sin through Jesus Christ. If Martin Luther can be justified by grace (through faith for Christ's sake), then maybe there is some hope for us modern-day Lutherans, as well. We may get things wrong, or say dumb things. Okay, we surely will get things wrong and say dumb things. But still we confess "Jesus is Lord", and it is Jesus who alone can save us.
In other news, my little red car was in what I think of as "stealth mode" for Reformation. Not wanting to show off its Reformation red too much (Lutherans can't stand to show off), it added some mud from the wet gravel roads to lessen the effect. It has been seriously wet around here lately. Pray for better weather so the farmers can get the harvest in!
...and Sarah can wash her car? ;)
ReplyDeleteThat is some serious mud. I don't think my car has ever been that muddy.
Actually, I CAN wash my car, and sometimes do. But not when it's so chilly outside!