Wednesday, August 12, 2009

News from VBS

So far, we have about a dozen kids at our second VBS for the summer. This time it's CrossWind Parish VBS at Fron. And you know it's been a big hit, because this little guy tried to sneak in:
All you could see were his (?) little bat fingers sticking out from behind the picture of Jesus. Obviously, his heart was in the right place! But since bats and small children do not mix, he had to be evicted, as gently as possible, before the kids arrived. Too bad, because I'm sure he would have had a great time!
~Pastor Sarah


  1. Before you evicted your little guest did you confirm him? Because if you did you could be ensured that he wouldn't return :)

    Cute picture.

  2. Alas, we did not...that particular joke did come up, though. We also considered asking him to fill out a pledge card.

    (However, the bat that spent the first two minutes of my sermon yesterday swooping across the sanctuary and chancel is probably still in the building somewhere, so it's not too late.)
