Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lutheran organizations with confusing initials

From CrossWind Photos
In light of a conversation at a council meeting last night, during which we confused LDR and LWR, not for the first time among Lutherans; and considering the earthquake in Haiti, today's post is a brief lesson in Lutheran disaster relief organizations:
  1. There are two major Lutheran organizations that begin with "L" and end with "R": Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) and Lutheran World Relief (LWR, not to be confused with the Lutheran World Federation, LWF). Both are joint ministries of the ELCA and the LCMS. They serve different (but complementary) purposes, but are sometimes confused with one another because they have similar initials and related goals.

  2. Luther Disaster Response focuses on domestic disaster response, recovery, and preparedness. Unlike the Red Cross, which specializes in immediate crisis response, LDR is in it for the long haul.

  3. Lutheran World Relief is a highly-respected international relief organization, which focuses on a wide array of activities, from collecting quilts to political advocacy. LWR is consistently rated one of the top international relief agencies in the world. Remember that tsunami a few years ago? Newsweek rated LWR with an "A+", topping even the Red Cross!

  4. American Lutherans tend not to know about this stuff, because we tend to be very modest and wouldn't want anyone to think we were bragging.

Over the next few days and weeks, I'm sure there will be many efforts to raise funds to support our brothers and sisters in Haiti (some of whom are Lutherans). LWR already has an announcement on their website, but it is too early for there to be a detailed report. However, should you find yourself wanting to make a contribution in some way, and you are not sure of how best to do that...LWR is always a safe way to go.

They also do chocolate and coffee. Which probably will not help with the earthquake in Haiti, but is still good to know on general principle.
~Pastor Sarah

Monday, January 4, 2010


Last year my official blogging-related New Year's resolution was to update this blog more frequently. If you look at the archive links over on the side of the page, you will see 2009 (126) and 2008 (8). I think we can safely call this one a success.

So, in order to avoid any possibility of spoiling my perfect record, this year I do not have a blogging-related New Year's resolution, official or otherwise.

However, if I did have a resolution this year (which, let me emphasize, I do not), it might be to do a better job of connecting with other blogs. I am still in the process of figuring out how that works, but I'll start with a link to the blog belonging to a friend from seminary, who recently stumbled across this one. Very insightful stuff, much more given to Deep Thoughts than I am (I would argue that my "fluff" is also often theological in nature, but you would be perfectly justified in arguing back).

(And, yes, Merry Christmas!)
~Pastor Sarah

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy....what day is it again?

From CrossWind Photos
In the continued spirit of holidays we do not ever celebrate, we have January 1.

January 1 is the Name of Jesus, because it is eight days after Christmas day, and as a good Jewish baby Jesus would have been named and circumcised on the eighth day (see Luke 2:21).

In the Roman Catholic tradition, today is now celebrated as Mary, the Mother of God, although the readings seem to be the same, so the difference appears to be slight. Though it sounds a little odd to many Lutheran ears, "Mother of God" is an ancient title for Mary that is shared by Catholic and Protestant traditions. The idea is to emphasize the divinity of Jesus--so as she was the mother of Jesus, and Jesus is fully God, so Mary is the mother of God.

Or, if you really want to celebrate New Year's, I offer you this litany in Spanish. I can't quite follow all of it, but it sure looks cool. (And you get to say "¡Aleluya!", which has one of those awesome upside-down exclamation marks.)
~Pastor Sarah