Monday, September 21, 2009

General updates (or, Monday is office day)

Today is one of those busy but-it's-a-good-busy kind of days. Which happens to involve a lot of sitting in my office, which is not my most favorite thing in the whole wide world (I would much rather be out visiting), but sometimes it has to be done. (In other news, I just don't like Mondays. Never have. Too much time spent as a student. I'm working on it.)

Yesterday afternoon at our meeting to discuss the recent Churchwide Assembly, I mentioned that our synod staff were working hard to produce resources to help us all navigate through faithful responses and reflections. Some are already available here.

We have started to receive information about the Captive Free team that will be coming to Fron in November. From what I've read about this year's team, I'm getting pretty excited! (You can even look on their calendar and see us listed. We are official!)

I am also (and this is the one that is causing me to be in the office all day) working on material for your youth/family meeting tonight. (We're having it at Indherred, and I'm excited about getting the committee out into the community.) One of the big things we are considering is the possibilities for next summer's mission trip. Right now we're looking at going through YouthWorks, a fantastic organization that I've worked with before to great success. (Their model heavily influenced my planning for this summer's "trip" to Starbuck.) Feel free to check out their website and let me know what you think!
~Pastor Sarah


  1. Hi, Pastor Sarah!
    A have a comment on your blog!
    I was writing up CWLP council minutes and came across a note about this address and had to give it a try. My dad has a blog on blogspot, too and I think I'll show him this one. He seems to think each piece of the blog has to be a sermon! Thanks for doing this...I enjoy reading your words! Keep it up...see you Sunday!

  2. Faith,

    Thanks! I have learned from long, hard experience that it is better to post short things regularly than to post long things infrequently. Whatever audience you are going to get, it will drop of sharply if you aren't updating!

    I admit I am not always very good at this in actual practice.
