Monday, November 2, 2009

Lots of thanks!

Many, many thanks go to everyone who helped with the Hallowed Eve Carnival on Saturday. The Confirmation class (and their friends) did an excellent job of setting up and running the games, and the Confirmation mentors were pros at helping to decorate. Many of the ones who were not able to be present on Saturday did a great job on Wednesday setting up.

We had about 89 slips turned in for the door-prize drawings, which gives you a ballpark estimate of how many kids came. (I figure some probably didn't sign up, and of course, this does not include parents, and there were a lot of parents.) They all seemed to be having a great time and were on their best behavior. Thanks to everyone who came! (Including our visitors from the Starbuck Police, who did an amazing job of putting up with repeated "great costume!" jokes.)

Big thanks also to everyone who donated candy this year. It takes a lot of candy to pull off something this big!
~Pastor Sarah

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