So, since we are hosting this event, here are some requests:
- Pray for the team, that they may be a blessing in our community and we may be a blessing to them and their ministry.
- Come to the program Saturday night (7 p.m. @ Fron) and tell your friends! Confirmation and high school youth from our parish are welcome to come at 5:30 for supper (tacos!!!) to help us welcome the team.
- If you have any old Legos lying around that you don't play with anymore, bring them to donate. (It's kind of a weird request but apparently they're needed for a future Bible study. More usual things like phone cards and postage stamps are also welcome. And we'll be taking a free will offering to support this awesome ministry.)
~Pastor Sarah
We have had several versions of Captive Free in our parish in past years and they are very good.