Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Possibly a sign of the apocalypse

This may possibly be a sign that I have completely lost my mind, but today I actually visited facebook (just the front page, okay?). I have always resisted facebook, and related sites, for two reasons:
  1. The whole idea is that you are supposed to use your real name, and connect your online life with your offline life in every conceivable way. So people who know you in real life can find you online...and people who know you online can find you in real life. Yerrgh. The whole idea makes my skin crawl.

  2. I don't need anything else to get sucked into, and then forget for a while, and then feel guilty about.
But sometimes the idea of being able to connect with youth and young adults in the parish seems awfully appealing. Otherwise...we have rather a long calling list, and not everyone ever even gets phone messages, these days.

Any thoughts? Advice? Are there any veterans out there who might be willing to hold my hand? (Or possibly bring me back to my senses?)
~Pastor Sarah


  1. Yeah, I've been contemplating this myself lately.

    If you ask me the whole concept is several kinds of scary, but I do know a certain history professor who has an account... and has the nerve to upload pictures. (Here I was thinking he wanted them for something important... nope, just FaceBook.)

  2. I in any of them?

    (I didn't think of this. Maybe it would be a good way to communicate with other, slightly older people who don't answer their phones.)

  3. Well, as you fair well know, I have Facebook. As with everything, if you're careful, keep your profile locked to friends only, and only accept people you *KNOW* are friends/contacts that you WANT to have the info that YOU post, it's pretty safe. MUCH better than My Space in that aspect.

    And just forget about all the applications as well... they can get silly, and can infiltraite your profile if not careful. ^_^ (though some are fun and safe)

  4. I must admit I am having a bit of trouble figuring out what you are actually supposed to do.
