Monday, June 29, 2009

Reminder: 50 days of prayer

In a post from the end of May, I mentioned that the ELCA Churchwide Assembly is coming, and there has been a request for prayer in the days leading up to it. Starting today!

Voting members will have a lot of hard work and difficult discernment ahead of them, and as our brothers and sisters in Christ, they can always use our prayers!

Some people are concerned about one or another of the issues that will be discussed. Some people aren't all that interested, or hardly even know that there is a church beyond their local congregation. But no matter where we stand, I believe that praying for one another is one of the most faithful and helpful things we can do. When we talk to God, God listens! And when God gets involved, anything is possible. (I think there's something in the Bible about that, even.)
~Pastor Sarah

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